
Relaxing Beach Bebe

by - Monday, June 12, 2017

-Just my pup and I looking cute and adorable on our family beach. -

My new outfit is from Petite Bowtique and will be available at Thimble on June 20th. This outfit comes in 4 different packs. Shorts, Pastel, Bold and Graphic Tops. The shorts come: in Bight, Classic, Stone and Dark. The tops comes in: Aqua, Grape, Berry Lime (as the bolds), Lilac, Mint, Rose, Sky (as the Pastels), Mermaid, Watermelon, Beach, Summer (as the graphics). 
Thimble will be open from June 20th-July 10th. 

Hello Beautiful opened on the 10th and Turducken released some very pretty eyes. The Angel eyes come in system and mesh versions. There are 8 colors to choose from with a light and dark version included in each pack. You get to choose from Albino/White, Blue, Green, Ocean, Black/Gray, Brown, Hazel and Purple. 
Hello Beautiful is open until June 30th. 

-Featured Items-
Turducken Angel Eyes - D Ocean - Alkatraz Constantine {Hello Beautiful}
{PB} Giana Tank Beach and {PB} Giana Shorts Bright  - Manuela Wardark {Thimble}

- Additional Items - 
pr!tty - Zoe - {Rootless} - Karla Marama {Mainstore}

- Body -
.tsg. KoKo-BaseSkin :: A tone - Eilfie Sugarplum {Mainstore}
{Clair de Lune } Sweet Blush - Yume Carami {Mainstore}
{Clair de Lune } Baby Lips - Yume Carami {Mainstore}
~ToddleeDoo - Baby (v.3.3) - ToddleeDooStore {Mainstore}
{.: DollFace :.} - Madeline  Bento Shape - Dollface Sugarplum {Marketplace} 
*shape has been modified to my liking*
*TD* Bento Mesh Head #Alice - Head (v.0.2.7) - ToddleeDooStore {Mainstore}
[PF x TSG] <X Tone> - V-TECH Boi Applier - Mochi Milena {Mainstore}

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