L.O.T.D. 08.02.20

by - Sunday, August 02, 2020

FanZy  - Quirky Tee Outfits - Zahra Yue {Belle Bebe Event}
FanZy - Fox  - Quirky Shirt and Hairbow. Pants come with but not pictured. Available in 6 sets + Fatpack. Each set includes: Quirky Tee, Matching Bow Hairband, Grey Sweatpants and BOM Alpha. Fits Bebe/Bebe Chonk and Youth/Youth Chonk. 

pr!tty - [Typer Art] - :Heart: - [Set] - Karla Marama {Level Event}
1 of 3 typers. Typers are mod, and or have resize script in them for modding/moving.

~Lazo - Hera Capris colors - Larina Enzo {Mainstore}
Hera Capris colors and Heraa Capris colors stripes. 4 colors per pack. 3 packs available and fatpack.
Fits TD and Bebe only

Magika - Midnight - Sabina Gully {Mainstore}

*Tentacio* Celestial ice cream - May Tolsen {Mainstore}

more more. lala skin (TD alice) - ducky030 {Mainstore}

Muriel. Luna Eyes - Chocolate - ElisaMuriel {Mainstore}

Bad Seed Bebe Body V 2.3.1 - Eeilee {Mainstore}

*TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE - ToddleeDooStore {Mainstore}

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