L.O.T.D. 08.14.21

by - Saturday, August 14, 2021


~Lazo - Aria Outfit - Larina Enzo {Daydream Event} 
Comes in 6 colors per pack. 2 packs available and fatpack. Fits ToddleeDoo and BeBe Body and Youth Body. 

. tiptoes - Sunny Outfit - Floral Lavender - Emily Piggins {Daydream Event}

{Little Tots} Sprout Cap - Pink - IzabelyAudran {Daydream Event}

*barberyumyum*P13(FAT) - toraji Voom {Mainstore}

.click. Lean On Me - Gracie Breuer {Marketplace}

hive // flor sandcastle - TheHiveStore Resident {Mainstore}

+Half-Deer+ Birbies - Beach Bobbler - Halogen Magic {Mainstore}

{ Pity Party } Hibiscus Skin Tone { Milk } Brows - Grace Blackwood {Roselline}

{ Pity Party } Bebe Body Tone { Milk } - Grace Blackwood {Mainstore}

Bebe Toddler Body 3.5 - Eeliee {Mainstore}

*TD* Bento Mesh Head #Alice - Head (v.1.1.2) - ToddleedooStore Resident

*TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - OPAL - ToddleedooStore {Mainstore}

~ToddleeDoo - Baby - Chubby - ToddleedooStore {Mainstore}

::MOMOCHUU :: Canna Ears - RARE - Momo Pancake {Mainstore} 

Muriel. Luna Eyes - Chocolate - ElisaMuriel {Mainstore}



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