L.O.T.D. 09.15.21

by - Wednesday, September 15, 2021

 ~Lazo - Yae Outfit -Larina Enzo {Daydream Event}
Comes in 3 color/pattern sets per pack. 4 packs available and fatpack
Fits Toddleedoo, Bebe, Bebe Chonk, Youth Body and Tweedeedoo bodies

Muriel. Yara Eyes - ElisaMuriel {Daydream Event}
Mesh eyes. Resizable. 15 colors. Even a separate Halloween version

!{sps} Delana_ - SammyJo Secretspy {Mainstore}
Fits Toddleedoo and Bebe. Shirt is BOM. 

FLite.- Air 5s - SUP' PACK - LiamCole {TMD}

.Tippy.Tap. Andrea Sneakers - BlackBakkara {Mainstore}

kotte - bear headband - ChickenPots Resident {Mainstore}

VCO HAIR - Sabe - Marmel Vanilla {Mainstore}

Magika - Lydia - Sabina Gull {Mainstore}

{Clair de Lune} Lolita headband { Cream } - Grace Blackwood {No longer for sale}

(EEP) Skateboarding poses - Hadleyrose1 {Marketplace} 

{ Pity Party } Hibiscus Skin Tone { Milk } Brows - Grace Blackwood {Roselline}

{ Pity Party } Bebe Body Tone { Milk } - Grace Blackwood {Mainstore}

more more. lala skin (TD alice) - Jelly Pancake {Mainstore}

*TD* Bento Mesh Head #Alice - Head (v.1.1.2) - ToddleedooStore Resident

*TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - OPAL - ToddleedooStore {Mainstore}

~ToddleeDoo - Baby - Chubby - ToddleedooStore {Mainstore}

::MOMOCHUU :: Canna Ears - RARE - Momo Pancake {Mainstore}


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