L.O.T.D. 01.28.22
- Sponsored -
{Little Tots} Brenda Bow Headband - FATPACK - IzabelyAudran {Roselline}
The headband comes in 10 colors. Headband is modify so it can be adjusted as needed.
FATPACK: Comes with 24 colors (14 bonus)
- Additional Items -
Essi&Co - Denim Jeans Fade 3 - Kayliegh Lykin {Marketplace}
Essi&Co - Gladiators - Kayliegh Lykin {Roselline}
*LODE* Head Accessory - Bellflower Crown [pink] - Chirzaka Vlodovic {Check MP for Extras}
tram L0125 hair / FATPACK - Moca Loup {Uber}
{ Clair de Lune } Saya Shirt Pink {B} - Grace Blackwood {No longer for Sale}
{Lula Belle} - BOM Layering Tees - KatelynZachary {Mainstore}
+Half-Deer+ Corgi Puppy - Cuddle Companion RARE - Halogen Magic {Check MP for Extras}
- Decor -
MINIMAL - Kingston House - MINIMALgroup {Uber}
parfait. Mini Sakura Garden .DOTS. - Cute Bunny {Mainstore}
Ariskea[Botania] Alice Flowers [Red] - Aris Pancake {Mainstore}
+Half-Deer+ Yellow Baby Bird - Medium Group - Halogen Magic {Mainstore}
+Half-Deer+ Corgi Puppy - Morning Stroll - Halogen Magic {Mainstore}
- Body -
Muriel. Amalie Blush and Highlights - ElisaMuriel Resident {Mainstore}
[ Pity Party ] Soft Brows Fatpack - Grace Blackwood {Mainstore/Marketplace}
{ Pity Party } Water Lily Gift Opal TD {Coconut } - Grace Blackwood {Group Gift}
[ Pity Party ] BakeryBody Tone Coconut - Grace Blackwood {Mainstore}
~ToddleeDoo - Baby (v.4.2.6) - ToddleedooStore {Mainstore}
*TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - OPAL - ToddleedooStore {Mainstore}
[700] Weekend Eyes 21 - bongkiki Resident {Mainstore}
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