L.O.T.D. 01.20.23

by - Friday, January 20, 2023

{Lula Belle} Presley Dress - PEACH - Lula Boo {Thimble}
Comes in 6 colors. Fits TD Fitted, Bebe Toddler, Bebe Youth, Tweeneedoo and Lullabeebs.

Baby Smell - Anna Sweater FATPACK - Kid20 {Little Moon}
10 colors. Fits Lullabeebs, Toddleedoo Baby, Bebe Toddler, Bebe Youth and Tweeneedoo. 

{Seams Legit} Illiana Leggings - Pack 6 - Patterns 6 - Daphne Cloud {Little Moon Event}
BOM Leggings. 12 packs and 10 colors per back. 

- Additional Items - 

[tea.s] Floral Headband - v1 - White - Tea Soup  {Mainstore}

~Lazo - Yara Denim Skirt - FATPACK - Larina Enzo {Mainstore}

.Tippy.Tap. Silvestro Boots - FATPACK - BlackBakkara {Mainstore}

 .Tippy.Tap. Giulia Shoes - FATPACK - BlackBakkara {Mainstore}

tram E817 hair / FATPACK - Moca Loup {Mainstore}

*barberyumyum*P12(FAT) - toraji Voom {Mainstore}

(EPP) My best friend - HadleyRose1 {Thimble}

- Body -

*ToddleeDoo* Head PLUS - APPLE (2.1) - ToddleedooStore {Mainstore}

{FB} Gigi   Skin - Shape - TD / Apple - Flyingbunnystore {Woodland Kids Events}

{FB} Gigi Skin td Tea- TD - Flyingbunnystore {Woodland Kids Events}

{FB} Soft Body - TEA -  / TD. - Flyingbunnystore {Mainstore}

{Ribbons} Starry Blusher - Face + Body - EvoX & BOM - Alkatraz Constantine {Mainstore}

~:DudaDreams: Lulli Eyebrows EVOX - ZhamiraRiss {Mainstore}

~:DudaDreams: Under Eye Bags  EVOX - ZhamiraRiss {Mainstore}

- Body 2 -

~ToddleeDoo - Baby (v.4.2.9 BETA .7) - ToddleedooStore Resident {Mainstore}

[ Pity Party ] Soft Brows Fatpack - Grace Blackwood {Marketplace}

*TD* Bento Mesh Head #Opal - Head (v.1.2.3) - ToddleedooStore Resident {Mainstore}

{ Pity Party } Water Lily Gift Opal TD {Coconut } - Grace Blackwood {Group Gift}

[ Pity Party ] BakeryBody Tone Coconut - Grace Blackwood {Mainstore}

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