
Little Pool Session!

by - Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Afternoon pool session is just what everyone needs!

- Featured Items - 
.gypsy heart. Tanner Swim Suit Gacha - Bebe - Shortstuffmcgee {The Playroom}
11 Common's and 2 Rares to collect! The suits are available in Bad Seed Bebe Body Size and Toddleedoo Baby Size (NOT FITTED)! The commons are not boxed and ready to wear! RAREs do require unboxing. 50L/play. Mix and Match until your little heart is content. 

.gypsy heart. Hannah Swim Suit - Bebe -  Shortstuffmcgee {Shop Hop Location}
The Hannah Swim Suit comes in 14 different colors with the Fatpack having an 3 additional ombre colors; exclusive to the Fatpack. This suit comes in Bebe size ONLY!  WILL NOT TODDLEEDOO! This suit will be 100L for the duration of Shop then will be 199L after. Fatpack will be $750L for Shop Hop and will increase afterwards.

Both these suits are 100% original mesh,meaning you will only find them at Gypsy Heart. 

Now, grab your favorite pool noodle and have some fun while looking, oh so adorable!

 - Additional Items -
Doe: Coco (solid) - Candy RARE - Helyanwe Vindaloo {Mainstore}
Doe: Jamie (solid) - Essentials RARE - Helyanwe Vindaloo {Mainstore}
{ Bellybean } Hello Summer // 6 // Playful - BellaMarie Braveheart {Mainstore} 

- Body -
Bad Seed Bebe Body V 1.1 - Eeilee  {Bebe Body Release}
 [Buzz] Breeze Eyes (Pack) RARE - Eleri Catlyn {Mainstore}
.tsg. KoKo-BaseSkin :: A tone - Eilfie Sugarplum {Mainstore}
{Clair de Lune } Sweet Blush - Yume Carami {Mainstore}
{Clair de Lune } Baby Lips - Yume Carami {Mainstore}
-Organic- Luma Shape - SkylieStarshine - 
This Shape was exclusive to the TD Fair and no longer for sale.
*TD* Bento Mesh Head #Alice - Head (v.0.2.7) - ToddleeDooStore {Mainstore}
[PF x TSG] <X Tone> - V-TECH Boi Applier - Mochi Milena {Mainstore}

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