
L.O.T.D. 08.19.17

by - Saturday, August 19, 2017

- Featured Items -
! {sps} Bethany - Lilac - SammyJo SecretSpy {Mainstore}
The Bethany outfit  comes with an adorable romper, hairbow and precious sneakers. This outfit only fits Toddleedoo BABY ONLY!  Comes in 4 colors: Pink, Blue, Lilac and Green.

! {sps} Marlie - SammyJo SecretSpy {Mainstore}
This adorable Marlie outfit comes with Dress, Sandals, Necklace, Hairbow and the Shorts (HUD Based) This outfit fits, Toddleedoo Baby, Kid and Bebe Body Sizes. 

- Additional Items -
{Petite Poses} Silly Siblings - Manuela Wardark {Mainstore}
*ARGRACE* ASAGAO - Whites - Rika Oyen {Mainstore}
/Wasabi Pills/ Missy Mesh Hair - Blonde - MissAllSunday Lemon {Mainstore}

- Body -
 [Buzz] Breeze Eyes (Pack) RARE - Eleri Catlyn {Mainstore}
.tsg. KoKo-BaseSkin :: A tone - Eilfie Sugarplum {Mainstore}
{Clair de Lune } Sweet Blush - Yume Carami {Mainstore}
{Clair de Lune } Baby Lips - Yume Carami {Mainstore}
~ToddleeDoo - Baby (v.3.3) - ToddleeDooStore {Mainstore}
{.: DollFace :.} - Madeline  Bento Shape - Dollface Sugarplum {Marketplace} 
*shape has been modified to my liking*
*TD* Bento Mesh Head #Alice - Head (v.0.2.7) - ToddleeDooStore {Mainstore}
Alicia - Creme Body Applier - Eeilee {Bebe Bundle Exclusive}

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