
L.O.T.D. 08.09.17

by - Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Ninety-Nine is here, Everyone!
 Travel to the land of cute, pastel and all things Kawaii! 

~Lazo - Mitsuki Top + Undies - Larnia Enzo {Ninety-Nine}
 ~Lazo - Mitsuki Skirt - Larnia Enzo {Ninety-Nine}
~Lazo - Bow Necklace and Bracelet - Larnia Enzo {Ninety-Nine}
This adorable Mitsuski Outfit comes in three parts. The first part consists of the Top and Undies set. The 2nd part is the matching skirt that fits the undies underneath perfectly and the 3rd part is the jewelry. Each of these items are texture change and come with 20 different color options. Per Lazo style each of these items come as Fatpacks. They fit Toddleedoo Baby, Kid and Bebe Body Styles. Each item is 199L and for 20 different colors, you cant beat it. 

Paper Damsels - Rosie  Dress - Pink - Adelyner {Ninety-Nine}
I just love this dress. To the LOVE on the front of the dress to the floral design on the bottom. I just love everything about this dress. The Rose dress/jumper comes in 8 different colors. Choose from Pink, Black, Blue, Gray, Green, Mint, Navy and White. This fits Toddleedoo Baby, Kid, Bebe Body and Tweenster body sizes. 

Happy Shopping! 
- Additional Items -
.Olive. the Heart Gem Moon Bindi - Naminaeko {Mainstore}
AMITOMO / Way Too Good GACHA / HAIR / RARE2 - Woomi Latte {Kustom 9}
::SWSK::BENTO NAKAYOSHI03 - Meico Latte {Mainstore}
*PH* disordered hair // 3 - Luka Hauster {Mainstore}

- Body -
 [Buzz] Breeze Eyes (Pack) RARE - Eleri Catlyn {Mainstore}
.tsg. KoKo-BaseSkin :: A tone - Eilfie Sugarplum {Mainstore}
{Clair de Lune } Sweet Blush - Yume Carami {Mainstore}
{Clair de Lune } Baby Lips - Yume Carami {Mainstore}
~ToddleeDoo - Baby (v.3.3) - ToddleeDooStore {Mainstore}
{.: DollFace :.} - Madeline  Bento Shape - Dollface Sugarplum {Marketplace} 
*shape has been modified to my liking*
*TD* Bento Mesh Head #Alice - Head (v.0.2.7) - ToddleeDooStore {Mainstore}
Alicia - Creme Body Applier - Eeilee {Bebe Bundle Exclusive}


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